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5/12/19 (Kumasi)


Today we traveled from Accra (southern Ghana) to Kumasi (central region). We have a new driver, and he definitely has a different driving method than our previous one- Bismarc.

This man, Francis, drives like there are 7 expectant mothers in the backseat and he’s racing them all to the hospital on backroads as quickly as possible- and then he realizes that one of them is going into labor- so he shifts gears and goes even harder and faster over speed bumps to get to the destination as fast as humanly possible. It is truthfully insane.

One time, he needed to get us to the outreach and there was a line of traffic at a standstill for like 5 miles, SO HE STARTS DRIVING ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROAD, and HONKS AT EVERYONE IN THE WAY. We’ve also gone down dirt roads at a 70° angle with divots all across the road while still maintaining an urgent speed.

One time I was trying to buy a drink from a lady outside my window and in the middle of the transaction he floored it and drove away 😂

He honks so much at random circumstances that we started to make a rap with the horn as the beat.

There have been times where I have been jolted so hard that I have an out of body experience.

Whenever you see this man shift gears, you know it’s about to get W.I.L.D.

This driver is the epitome of the “say no more” meme.

✓ Need to get somewhere that’s an hour away in 25 mins?? Say no more.

✓ Need to drive through treacherous terrain and a neck breaking speed?? Say no more.

✓ Need to kickstart your sympathetic nervous system real quick?? Say no more.

✓ Want to experience whiplash, a mild TBI & extreme nausea?? Say no more.

✓ Wanna increase your neck strength?? Say no more.

Francis my man, he’s got u.

In all seriousness though, he is so awesome. Whenever I need anything I can just picture him saying, “say no more.” He hops in that van and takes me wherever I need- at full speed... (This has included multiple bathroom trips in rural towns).

I love Francis so much.


We are staying with a local ophthalmologist in house guesthouse above the clinic.This is seriously one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. They have luscious gardens surrounding the 3 story house and arches that show off the greenGhanian countryside riddled with colorful houses. There is A/C, a full kitchen, 3 full-size bedrooms with 2 beds each, 2 full bathrooms, a large living room area with a t.v, dining area and two large terrace/balconies. This is just the upstairs where the volunteers stay. There is another level where the doctor and his family live, and the main floor where the screening and surgery clinic and laboratory are. This could practically be my heaven… at least until Dr. Wyane's wife told me that there are poisonous snakes in the garden so don’t walk around barefoot at night… lol.

The doctor is Ghanian and his wife is Russian. They have 3 kids and one of them goes to Virginia Tech! Lol! They are truly lovely people and I'm really excited to get to know the Kumasi area better.



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