So today was interesting. Last night at 2am the power went out. Power out = no fans = no A/C=no outlets=no appliances. I typically wake up every few hours every night regardless, but the two people on the outreach with me were up too because they were hot.

Anyways, in the morning we went downstairs to ask the doctor where we should get breakfast and he was like oh! here come have some Milo (basically hot chocolate + nutrient drink) and rolls. So we follow him into the kitchen and as he’s making the milo we start eating some rolls. As I have a bite of a roll in my mouth, I noticed some movement in the roll, quickly realize there is a small swarm of ants in the roll, so I take the piece out of my mouth and calmly observe the ants on that piece as well. I whacked Natalie in the arm so she wouldn’t finish her piece and the doctor asked, "oh is the bread ok??" And I awkwardly reply yeah!……..
After an uncomfortable exchange, I finally admit, “oh there are just a few ants on my roll, but its okay!!!” And he goes “I know what to do,” then he proceeds to put all the rolls in a pan on a hot stove. He told us that ants don’t like the heat and they will go away.
We waited for the ants to crawl off the bread and out of the pan and they eventually did for the most part. There were some dead ants on the rolls after, but you can't win them all.
So I ate the bread and the milo and it was great.

We still didn't have power though, and our phones were all about to die, so Dr. Wanye's wife invited us to charge our devices in the ophthalmology lab where apparently there was a generator. It was a tiny room that was filled with laboratory supplies, and miscellaneous eye care equipment. The ceiling was so low in places that we had to crouch to get in and out and the uneven floor made it that much more interesting. It ended up being a great adventure though.
